Thursday, October 12, 2006

Poll Update: Warner is destoying the competition!

Today in my poll former Virginia State Governor Mark Warner has a huge lead. It appears no one can catch him. he now has a huge double digit lead over 2nd place finisher U.S. Senator John Kerry. It is way too early to call this poll, with only slightly over a 100 votes, but the others still need alot of help.

Current Poll Results
(D)Mark Warner 24%
(D)John Kerry 9%
(D)Al Gore 7%
(D)Evan Bayh 7%
(D)Russ Feingold 7%
(D)Joe Biden 7%
(D)Mike Gravel 7%
(D)Wesley Clark 4%
(D)John Edwards 4%
(D)Hillary Clinton 1%
None of the Above 22%
(Chris Dodd is included, but has yet to recieve any votes)

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