Saturday, November 11, 2006

Post Election News! Happy Veterans Day! Wyoming Senator Craig Thomas diagnosed with Leukemia

First off I would like to say to all Politics-Central Viewers go out and take some time to appreciate a Veteran. I would also once again like to congratulate the Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid on their victory! I am a Republcian and I just wanted state that we can take defeat and hopefully both parties can work together. Well the Democrats continue to from plans and prepare transiton teams in Washington after their sweep last Tuesday. America Votes 2006 has come to a end. I suggest to all to watch NBC's "Meet the Press" and see of Sen. John McCain will announce his campaign for President in 2008. Sen. McCain is seen as a favorite in the campaign and in Politics-Central Polls. In Wyoming everyone here at Politics-Central wanted to wish Senator Craig Thomas and his family the best and that they are in our prayers. The Wyoming Senator was diagnosed with leukemia. He was suffering from pneumonia and was brought to a Hospital in Casper, Wyoming before being flown back to Washington. Thomas was in Washington supposedly in a hospital bed when he found out he won reelection by a landslide. Once again we with Craig and Susan Thomas the best. Thomas said nothing and didn't even hint about stepping down, but a rumor in the Wyoming Democratic Party stated Thomas was ill and would only run to keep the seat with the Republicans and step down later. I feel this is completely false and Thomas will stay in the senate so don't be thinking that a new senator will be coming out of Wyoming!

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