Friday, January 19, 2007

Decision 2008: Presidential Power Rankings Week #8 Rudy vs. Hillary?

Here are this week's presidential power rankings. There are alot of changes this week.


1st: Rudolph Giuliani (rising) Finally back on track and rising in numbers. His issues haven't hurt him yet and may not. Giuliani may pull an upset and actually win the nomination. This is the first time Giuliani has been ranked in the #1 slot. Giuliani is leading in most early states except for IA, NH and SC. which could hurt him if he lases all 3 to McCain.

2nd: John McCain (falling) McCain is falling in key state polls and conservatives are starting to doubt him. His support for the troop increase in Iraq. McCain still is the traditional candidate and if the GOP realizes to win they have to pick Giuliani or McCain they will choose the moderate over the liberal. The GOP hasn't picked a liberal candidate in decades.
Also new Gallup Polls show Giuliani by 4.

3rd: Mitt Romney (rising) Romney is rising in poll numbers in key states and nationwide his good week last week did get him back into this campaign.

4th: Newt Gingrich (falling) Gingrich is continuing to lose steam as Romney regains his 3rd place spot. He will likely won't run since by Sept. the race will likely be just between Giuliani and McCain by then.

5th tied: Sam Brownback (falling) Brownback will soon officially start his campaign in about a week and still is falling. He still barely reamins in the top ten.

5th tied: George Pataki (rising) Pataki isn't going well in early states, but is rising in national polls.

5th tied: Chuck Hagel (rising) Doing very well for a minor candidate in early states and had finally earned a top 5 spot. Questions are still aksed whether he will actually run or not.


1st: Hillary Clinton (falling) still holding on to the top spot with good numbers nationwide and in NH, however this early challenge from both her major opponents John Edwards and Barack Obama could hurt her in early contests. Clinton still though has the fundraising talents and her team who are already digging up dirt on Obama.

2nd: Barack Obama (rising) His announcement this week is helping his numbers rise everywhere. in national polls he is within striking distance of Clinton and in IA, NH, and other early contests he beats her or comes in a clsoe second. Obama does have an actual chance now.

3rd: John Edwards (rising) Edwards now has a 10 point lead in Iowa with a year to go until the primary. This is expected since he has practically lived there since 11/2/04. Edwards has finally passed Gore in polls who has just pretty much slammed the door shut on 2008.

4th: Wesley Clark (risining) Clark performs very well in key early states and is gaining nationally. I wouldn't be surprised if he became a serious contender.

5th: Joseph Biden (steady) Doing well everywhere except key states. he nneeds to start working on the "first in the nation."

Thanks for tuning in this week tommorrow we wil have a candidate briefing and next week our ranknings will include every major party candidates, becuase it is the end of the month.

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