Friday, February 02, 2007

Decision 2008: Presidential Power Rankings #11, Giuliani and Hillary again.

This our 11th Weekly Presidential Power Ranking since we started posting them. I hope you have enjoyed our rankings so far

1st: Rudolph Giuliani (steady) Giuliani has once again risen to the #1 spot again on our site. His numbers are strong everywhere and new polls show him tied with McCain in NH for the first time. McCain is now only winning in South caolina and Missouri. They both are falling in Democratic match-ups. Giuliani now tops all GOP candidates in fundraising thus far.

2nd: John McCain (steady) McCain has had a bit of a set back in fundraising and in poll numbers, however the endorsements and internet support is rolling in. Political professionals are lining up to work on this soon to be campaign and this could help McCain gain the advantage over Giuliani.

3rd: Mitt Romney (steady) Romney is picking up steam slowly and could become a major contender soon with new poll numbers out of NH showing him in the 20's. Romney is almost tied with Gingrich for 3rd place in nationwide polls and is picking up more and more professionals to work on his campaign and endorsements.

4th: Newt Gingrich (steady) Gingrich still holds on to strong poll numbers, but is now showing little interest in the presidential race.

5th: Mike Huckabee (rising) Huckabee is lagging in polls to Brownback and Pataki, however Pataki has pretty much opted out and Brownback is falling in support. Huckabee also with governor experience could become a potential darkhorse.


1st: Hillary Clinton (steady) Clinton has regained stableness as the frontrunner, however only leads in NH in 1 poll and trails in Iowa in every poll. Hillary is rising in numbers against McCain and Giuliani, but has been falling in numbers against Obama and Edwards. Will Hillary win? Well right now it is hers to lose.

2nd: John Edwards (rising) Edwards is now gaining in nationwide support and is reaching a double digit lead in Iowa. He also leads in another important primary, South Carolina. Edwards also is rising in electability factors, since he is now leading Giuliani and McCain or barely trailing.

3rd: Barack Obama (steady) Obama is lagging in support in NH a big state for him. He is behind Hillary in the state for the first time in awhile. Obama is however in a steady 2nd in Iowa ahead of Hillary and Vilsack. If the momentum goes his way he could swing a victory in both states. and 2 early wins here could give him the election.

4th: Bill Richardson (rising) Richardson has risen in rankings from the Biden slip this week. His experience could give him the advantage and he could become a darkhorse.

5th: Wesley Clark (steady) Clark remains strong in early states such as Nevada and could pull out a possible good showing in NH. Clark still hasn't stated whether he will run or not, while most of the others a in the full swing of the campaign.

Stay tune for more rankings.

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