Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wyoming GOP chooses its 3 nominees to replace the late Senator Craig Thomas

I have just recently returned from the Wyoming GOP central committee meeting and they have chosen Former US Assistant Attorney General and Former Chief of Staff to Then Rep. Craig Thomas, Tom Sansonsetti, State Senator representing Northern Casper, John Barrasso and Former State Treasurer Cynthia Lummis as their 3 nominees to replace the late Senator Craig Thomas. I got a chance to talk to the 3 nominees and Barrasso said if appointed he will work to continue Sen. Thomas's legacy and bills recently named after him, Lummis said if she was appointed she would work to keep Craig Thomas's staff and would work with Wyoming's congressional delegation. We are going to try to get an interview with one of the 3 nominees in the coming days before Freudenthal announces the next senator.

Ballot #2 For the Top 10

Tom Sansonetti 60

John Barrasso 59

Ron Micheli 40

Cynthia Lummis 37

Matt Mead 31*

Randall Luthi 31

Paul Kruse 30

Colin Simpson 28

Frank Moore 25

Bruce Asay 14

Ballot #3 for the Top 5

Tom Sansonetti 58

John Barrasso 56

Cynthia Lummis 44

Matt Mead 30

Ron Micheli 25

Barraso, Lummis and Sansonetti now have to wait for Governor Freudenthal's decision for who the next senator will be. Here is the nominees and their past positions:

Tom Sansonetti-Former Cheif of Staff to Rep. Craig Thomas, Former US Assistant Attorney General and Former GOP State Chairman.

John Barrasso-State Senator, Surgeon, and Former State GOP Treasurer

Cynthia Lummis-Former State Treasurer, Former State Senator, Former State Representative, Rancher and Attorney

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