Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Decision 2008: Presidential Power Rankings Week #32

Hey sorry about the week long hiatus, but I was out of town here are your late power rankings. Also I cannot separate those rankings because of blogger's program.

1st: Rudy Giuliani (rising) Recent polls have him ahead of Mitt Romney in key states and he remains ahead nationally. Most however still expects Rudy to fall apart soon possible after Ames?
2nd: Mitt Romney (falling) Mitt is losing ground in Iowa and NH. If he loses them he will have no hope left. Ames should help pick up his campaign.

3rd: Fred Thompson (rising) He know picks up Georgia and Alabama and holds on to Texas. His support in the south is strong and that may carry this once unknown to the nomination.
4th: John McCain (steady) Funds starting to slowly come back and polls remaining in the double digits. Is there still time for McCain to come back? We see it happening as Mitt and Rudy fall.
5th: Newt Ginigrch (rising) Gingrich seems to be moving closer to jumping into the race. No one candidate has clinched the nomination and he still has time to catch up in polls and fundraising.


1st: Hillary Clinton (rising) Her lead nationally has nearly doubled in recent weeks and polls in Iowa and South Carolina are coming her way. Hillary may clinch the nomination sooner than expected.

2nd: Barack Obama (falling) Appears to be seem more as Hillary's running mate than a presidential candidate. His funds and crowd drawing skills aren't working and his polls continue to drop.
Tie 3rd: John Edwards (falling) Edwards's must win Iowa is starting to head Hillary's way. A new polls show him tied for 2nd. Without Iowa Edwards is toast.
Tie 3rd: Bill Richardson (rising) Support in early states has reached double digits and his national polls are rising too. He seems to be creeping into the top tier.

5th: Joe Biden (steady) Biden still hasn't cracked the code like Richardson. Look for him to quit early and run for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2008.

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