Saturday, August 18, 2007

Independent Debate Recap.

Well 15 minutes ago we ended our Independent Presidential Candidate Debate and in my opinion all 4 candidate debated well and are great candidates for the highest office in the land. Steve Adams, Bob Hargis, Jon Greenspon and Frank McEnulty debated the issues and seemd to agree mostly. They had similar views on Gay Marriage and all believed they were pro-Life. They also belive pulling out of Iraq is the way to go in the middle east and that we need to address Iran as a nuclear weapon country. We had 81 Live listeners not quite our goal but I think I shall keep the show going. The 81 dropped to 7 towards the end of the show but oh well. Thanks all to listening. Catch next week's show on u4prez debating next Saturday at 3 Eastern Time. Go to my site and listen to the archived shows:

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