Thursday, May 31, 2007

Decision 2008: Fred Thompson to announce.

Former Tennessee U.S. Senator and Law and Order star Fred Thompson is set to file for a "testing the water" committee for a presidential bid in 2008. He is set to appear in several fundraisiers soon and this summer he is expected to officially join the race. Thompson draws alot of media buzz, because of his surprising double digit pollings. Some national and state poll put him 1st 2nd or even thrid but averages about 4th in polls and he hasn't even campaigned yet. Fred Thompson's candidacy is most likely going to hurt the campaigns of Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney. Giuliani has fallen 20-30 points in polls since Thompson announced he was thinking about running and Thompson's fame and love among conservatives may hurt conservative star Mitt Romney. Thompson's polls in Iowa and NH, states where Mitt is putting all his marbles , hurt his chances. The only campaign that benefits from Thompson's is John McCain's. Since his announcement he ahs moved to the top of state polls and near the top of national polls. It is for sure though that when Thompson does run he will man this 3-man stage a 4-man stage and instantly win a spot among the top tier. Until then we will just have to wait in see what the actor does.

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