Thursday, January 03, 2008

Decision 2008: Huckabee and Obama emerge victorious in Iowa!

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee trounced Mitt Romney in Iowa by 9 points and Obama did the same to Edwards and Hillary by 8 points. Both now have the advantage, however, McCain picks up the Iowa momentum coming into NH and now could beat and eliminate Mitt Romney form the race in NH. Obama is now on to a possible victory in NH. He could severely hurt should she lose NH. McCain and Thompson are in a dead heat for 3rd place and have basically tied for the position. Ron Paul finished strong in Iowa with 10%. More to come.

2008 Iowa Caucus Results
Republican 95% Reporting
(R)Mike Huckabee 39,814 34% 17
(R)Mitt Romney 29,405 25% 15
(R)Fred Thompson 15,521 13% 3
(R)John McCain 15,248 13% 3
(R)Ron Paul 11,598 10% 2
(R)Rudy Giuliani 4,013 4%
(R)Duncan Hunter 515 1%

Democratic 100% Reporting
(D)Barack Obama 940 38% 16
(D)John Edwards 744 30% 14
(D)Hillary Clinton 737 29% 15
(D)Bill Richardson 53 2%
(D)Joe Biden 23 1%
(D)Chris Dodd 1 0%
(D)Dennis Kucinich 0 0%
(D)Mike Gravel 0 0%

1 comment:

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