Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Decision 2008: Hillary Clinton

Here is today's presidential candidate briefing.

The Democratic Giant in the 2008 Race, and the first woman candidate to actually have a shot at the White House. Friends and members of the Clinton family all felt Hillary would be president instead or before her husband. Well know she is ready to run and maybe become the first female president of the United States. Hillary Rodham was born in Chicago Illinois on Oct 26th, 1947. Clinton then Rodham was very involbed with her community early on in her life. She showed her leadership in her childhood. She was elected class president as Maine East High School and was a member of the student council and honor society. Clinton was raised as a conservative republican and started getting involved in politics campaigning for Barry Goldwater for president. She attended Wellesley College and served as her college's chapter of college republicans. Overtime Clinton gained more liberal views and before graduating as valedictorian of her class she officially became a member of the Democratic Party.She graduated with honors in political science. Her commencement address was featured in an article in the magizine Life because of her negative views against Sen. Edward Brooke. In 1969 she entered Yale Law School. 2 years later she began dating her future husband and President Bill Clinton. She began work on Sen. Walter Mondale's subcommittee on migrant workers. She also campaigned for George McGovern for President. In 1973 she recieved her J.D. degree in law from Yale. Clinton began work on the soon to be impeachment trial for President Nixon in 1974. She began teaching law in the University of Arkansas with her then boyfriend Bill Clinton in 1975 and later that year the couple married. Her husband began his political career with an unsuccessful campaign for congress which she worked vigorously on. Hillary Clinton joined the Rose Law Firm after the campaign. President Carter appointed Clinton to the Legal Services Coorperation Board in 1978. Also in 1978 her husband was elected governor of Arkansas making her the First Lady of Arkansas. She became the first full time woman partner of Rose Law Firm. The Clintons moved out of the Governor's mansion after her husband reelection lost and in the successful campaign to regain his office she began using the Clinton name. During her time as Arkansas First Lady she continued her work at Rose Law Firm. In 1988 she first learned of her husband's intentions to run for president, however they decided to wait 4 years before the Clintons began campaigning for the White House. In 1992 the campaign began. Her husband gained the Democratic Nomiantion after an upset win. He became known as the Comeback Kid after a 2nd place finish in the NH primary after being hurt by scandal. The Clintons moved into the White House after their win in November. She then became First Lady of the United States in January of 1993. Hillary became the first really active first lady working side by side woth her husband. She revolutionized the position and many called her Madam president. The Clinton White House was rocked by scandal and even Hillary was asked to testify for crimes committed by her law firm. Hillary Clinton became the face for women's rights and an extreme activist of women's rights. She stood by her husband during the Lewinski scandal even during the impeachment trials. After a tough 8 years in the White House Hillary Clinton began considering entering politics herself. After New York Senator Daniel Moynihan announced his retirement in 1999 many urged Clinton to run for his seat. After her announcement of her runnning she purchased a home in Northern New York and began working on the campaign trail. She became the first U.S. First Lady to run for elective office. Her 2000 senate run was expected to be challenged by her current presidential foe and then New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, howver he dropped out after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. After Giuliani's exit GOP Congressman Rick Lazio decided to challenge Clinton. Hillary focused her campaign on outer NYC New York state since she had a strong base in NYC. Her team of investigators are credited for finding dirt that hurt the Lazio campaign. Her strategy worked on Nov. 7th, 2000 she defeated Lazio 55%-43% and was elected to the U.S. Senate. Clinton currently works on the Senate Armed Services, Environment and Public Works, and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Commitee. Hillary was a little known senator until after 9/11 when she helped raise billions of dollars for the rebuilding progress and became the a huge leader in the rebuilding and cleanign up of the site. She s strongly against the U.S. Involvement in Iraq and has worked continually against the president's plans for the country. Hillary was easily re-elected to the U.S. Senate defeated Fmr. Yonkers Mayor John Spencer 67%-31% in 2006. She is also credited for helping many successful democratic campaigns which gave her party control of congress. Specualtion of a Clinton presidential run had been raised way back when Gore lost his election in 2000. She declined to running in 2004 and said her aids stated she would consider a 2008 run. In late 2006 after the midterm elections Sen. Clinton was reported to be forming a campaign team and hiring a fundraiser for a possible 2008 presidential run. Finally on Jan. 20th, 2007 she made it official stating"I'm and I'm in to win." She formed a presidential exploratory but she has stated she is already running for president. She has just started making trips to early 2008 contests and is the clear frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. Currently the Democratic race in 2008 is said to be hers to lose. Like I said earlier she is the first serious presidential candidate that could actually win the White House. She is also the first U.S. First Lady to run for President of the United States.

Thats all for today. Stay tuned for a candidate briefing on Christopher Dodd.

Decision 2008: McCain's NH lead slipping? Will Giuliani cruise to the nomination?

A new SurveyUSA poll out of New Hampshire shows a tie between Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. The polls show Giuliani 33%, McCain 32%, Romney 21%, others 11%. On the Democratic side it showed a strong HIllary lead. Polls showed Clinton 40%, Obama 25%, Edwards 23% others 9%. These are good numbers for Hillary and not so good for her presimed opponent John McCain. 3 weeks ago Sen. McCain held a strong NH lead of 6+ points. McCain comes 2nd to Giuliani everywhere except, Missouri, NH, and South Carolina. All key states needed to win. It is far from over for McCain, however Giuliani's lead is holding. The momentum and media attention is in McCain's corner so he holds on to his top spot. This is an unusual poll for Hillary. 2 other polls in NH show her tied or narrowly behind Illionis Sen. Barack Obama. "The first in the nation" primary may become more important than many thought. A win in either NH or Iowa could swing the nomination towards a candidate.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Decision 2008: January Presidential Power Rankings; McCain vs. Hillary?

This is our end of the month Presidential Power Rankings. In our end of the month presidential pwer rankings we include every major party candidate.

1st: John McCain (falling) McCain is now on top in GOP preference Polls according to Time, however he is now tied or barily losing in Democratic Match-up Polls. McCain is only winning in NH, Missouri, and South Carolina among key early states. McCain's strength has yet to really come out so we could see McCain bounce back.

2nd: Rudolph Giuliani (steady) has just started campaigning in key states such as NH and Iowa. He just like McCain is falling in numbers against Democrats. They now are both tied or trailing leading Democrats. Giuliani also hasn't picked up any big endorsements like McCain or Giuliani. Giuliani still remains at or near the top of GOP polls and carries most early states. which still leaves him in good shape.

3rd: Mitt Romney (rising) Romney's poll numbers are slowly rising among the GOP, however he trails by double digits against most Democrats. Romney also continues to gain steam in the south with major endorsements out of key primary South Carolina. His fundraisign skills also seem impressive. Once the name reconigtion phase ends Romney could really gain in support.

4th: Newt Gingrich (steady) The fmr. Speakers numbers remai high, but his silence in the political field could hurt him later on in this campaign.

5th: Sam Brownback (falling) Brownback's announcement really didn't help and many don't know who he is let alone that he is running for president.

6th: Chuck Hagel (rising) His anti-war and anti-troop surge remarks and resolutions on Capitol Hill appear to be aiding Hagel's presidential efforts. Hagel remains strong in early states.

7th: George Pataki (steady) Pataki continues to remains in the top 5 to 6 in polls nationally, but in other support and in polls in early states he is doing poorly.

8th: Jim Gilmore (rising) His conservative views are swaying conservative votes one by one and if he becomes a serious hopeful and may mean trouble for Romney's campaign.

9th: Tommy Thompson (steady) Thompson remains strong nationally, however Thompson performs poorly in a do or die state of Iowa.

10th: Mike Huckabee (steady) Other power ranking sites put Huckabee near the top 5, however we look at support in recent polls and recent media attention and Huckabee remains weak.

11th: Duncan Hunter (steady) Hunter is dead last in polls everywhere and he is never mentioned on the web or in the media as a presidential candidate. Hunter better do something soon or he will remain near the bottom.

12th: Tom Tancredo (falling) Tancredo still needs alot of campaign help but maybe his 3-4% showing in Iowa may turn into something.

13th: Ron Paul (steady) Paul is a very weak candidate and his radical Libertarian views may hurt him.

(note: Keating stated he will not be a candidate in 2008 so he has been disincluded in our rankings)


1st: Hillary Clinton (falling) Clinton's first campaign trips begam this week in Iowa, however they did nothing to gte her numbers back on track in Iowa and New Hampshire. Her main challengers Edwards and Obama remain ahead of her in these key states. She might have something though with this "Let the conversation begin" thing.

Tied 2nd: John Edwards (rising) His strong Iowa showings have earned him his #2 spot back as Obama responds to more possible scandals being brought up liely form the Clinton campaign. Edwards could pull a move like Kerry back in 2004 and upset Hillary and Obama.

Tied 2nd: Barack Obama (steady) Obama is still trying to get over his involvement in a muslim school incident that was proven false. He should regain his strength soon.

3rd: Joe Biden (rising) Biden is likely to become the most gaining from the Kerry exit. This has moved Biden into Kerry's top 5 spot permanently.

4th: Bill Richardson (rising) His numbers are low but that could change with his charisma and experience

5th: Wesley Clark (rising) Clark remains strong in early states like Nevada. Clark could become a serious candidate soon when he announces and joins the campaign when it is in full swing.

6th: Tom Vilsack (falling) Now in 3rd or 4th in his homestate of Iowa, Vilsack is doing poorly everywhere.

7th: Dennis Kucinich (steady) His anti-war policies are a bit radical but could prove helpful later on in the campaign.

8th: Christopher Dodd (steady) Dodd is dead last in most pollings still but his experience keeps him from the bottom.

9th: Al Sharpton (steady) The reverend has just started toying with the idea of a another presidential run so he is ranked at the near bottom.

10th: Mike Gravel (steady) Gravel is too unknown for a presidential run and isn't doing too much campaigning.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Decision 2008: Huckabee joins the race.

Today Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee told the AP he will file paperwork to form a presidential exploratory committee. Huckabee is one of the last republicans to do so. Huckabee is viewed as a possible darkhorse candidate and could some how have a shot at the White House. Huckabee faces a tough field of almost 10 candidates who are already setting up their national campaigns and have formed a fundraising base. Among these are viewed frontrunners, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, and Mitt Romney. Most polling shows Huckabee in poor shape coming in with about 1-2% nationally. New Polls that we are unable to show you are out showing Democrats Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards either tied or defeating Republicans John McCain and Rudy Giuliani for the first time. this race may turn out to be a close one. Tommorrow our annual end of the month presidential power rankings including all major party candidates will be posted tommorrow

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Decision 2008: John Kerry not running and new polls out of Iowa.

Today Massachusetts U.S. Senator and 2004 Democratic Presidential Nominee John Kerry decided not to run for president in 2008. Kerry has been lacking in numbers and support since his slip last November. This may of resulting in him slaming the door on what is likely his last chance at the White House. Kerry was expected not to run after last Nov. and he also said he wouldn't say a thing until spring. Well on the senate floor he told the press he will not run for president in 2008, however he stated he intended to run for reelection to his seat in the senate. Edwards and Obama are likely most to gain from Kerry's exit. Mitt Romney picked up another big endorsement from Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert. He has recieved numerous early endorsements from some of the biggest names in politics.
New Iowa Polls
Strategic Vision
GOP Contenders
(R)Rudolph Giuliani 25%
(R)John McCain 21%
(R)Newt Gingrich 13%
(R)Mitt Romney 8%
(R)Chuck Hagel 7%
(R)Tommy Thompson 2%
(R)Tom Tancredo 2%
(R)Sam Brownback 2%
(R)Mike Huckabee 1%
(R)George Pataki 1%
(R)Jim Gilmore 1%
(R)Duncan Hunter 1%
Dem. Contenders
(D)John Edwards 25%
(D)Barack Obama 17%
(D)Tom Vilsack 16%
(D)Hillary Clinton 15%
(D)Joe Biden 4%
(D)John Kerry 3%
(D)Wesley Clark 2%
(D)Bill Richardson 1%
(D)Chris Dodd 1%
(D)Dennis Kucinich 1%

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

State of the Union Address

Tonight is the President's annual State of the Union Address. President Bush walks into to his address with a divided congress controlled by his opposing party and at the heights of impopularity. His new Iraq strategy did not go over well with the American public. A new poll shows only 1 out of 3 agree with his plan. Only 1 out of 4 approve of his handling of the crisis in Iraq. Even many republicans who are up for reelection in 2008 oppose the president's new plan of an increase of troops in Iraq. The president is likely not to speak about his new plan for Iraq tonight, and could speak about more thing he has done that is popular. The president obivously is not concerned about his numbers as he continues to do his plans as scheduled as his numbers make all time lows. The presidency also doesn't seemed to be too worried about how his legacy will be. His presidency his viewed as below average. The President only has 2 years left to turn his administration around and tonight may be the beginning pf that, however anaylists say otherwise. We will be here to give you the latest after the speech or tommorrow to tell you how things went and if the president can turn things around.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Decision 2008: Wesley Clark

Here is today's presidential candidate briefing. Today our candidate is Retired U.S. Army General Wesley Clark. Wesley Clark has served throughout the U.S. Army and has been a candidate once before in 2004. He has no elected office, however he is slowly climbing in numbers. For being 62 he has alot of charisma and that could be enough to help him win the nomination. Wesley Kanne "Wes" Clark was born on December 23, 1944 in Chicago, Illionis. Clark suffered a terrible trgedy at only 4 years old. His father Benjamin died in 1948. The family then moved to Little Rock, Arkansas. His mother later married again and Clark took the famil name of Clark. Clark later was accepted to West Point, the U.S. Military Academy. Clark was a top student at West Point. He became a leader among leaders. He earned a distinguished cadet patch on his uniform. He was considered in the top 5% in the entire academy. He graduated valedictorian of his class. Clark asside from his military career he entered the PPE program and finally earned his degree form the University of Oxford. He was promoted to captain and given charge of the 4th battalion 68th armor, 82nd Airborne Division in Ft. Riley Kansas. Clark was assigned to the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam in 1969. He was an assistant in charge of operation planning ans awarded the Bronze star for his work with the staff. Clark was given command of a company and during this time he was shot 4 times in the shoulder, right hand, right hip and Right leg. He was awarded the silver star for his actions in this encounter. After returning to command a company in Kentucky he was assigned to work with the Army Cheif of Staff in his office. After he was a social studies instructor and teacher at West Point. He graduated form the CGSC earning a Master of Arts degree. he took commands later in the 1st Armored division in Germany. Clark in the late 1970's became a special assistant to the Supreme Allied Commander Alexander Haig. After Clark was promoted to Lt. Colonel. He then took commands in brigades across the country and worked his way through the ranks. After study in the National War College he became a full colonel. Clark worked in Washington for awhile in the Cheif of Staff's office and into more brigades. After more study he was promaoted to Brigadier General. After more and more posts he was promoted to Major General. Clark worked in the planning of the war in Bosnia. Clark became a military representative there. Later president Clinton appointed him to NATO. He was made Supreme Allied Commander of NATo and continued to serve his countr until he was forced into retirement in 200o. Clark began his civilian life interested in politics. After engaging in many enterpizes and forming Clark and Assoicates he became a millionaire. Many encouraged him not to enter politics and to pursue a business career, however he decided to pursue public office. Clark met with some big NY democrats and told them he was considering running for president in 2004, becuas eof his disagreement int he U.S. involvement in Iraq. Clark wasn't considered a member of any party and often supported some members of the GOP. He later stated he liked the Democratic Party. In April 2003 his info. that he was considering a pres. run was leaked and a DraftClark movement began. Then in mid 2003 he stated he was seriously considering running. Finally later than the other presidential candidates, in Sept. Clark announced he was running for president. Early numbers showed he passed frontrunner Howard Dean in NH polls and had a chance at the White House. A big endorsement swung his way when fmr. Sen. and Dem. Nominee George McGovern endosed him for president. He decided in Dec. of 2003 he wouldn't run in Iowa and would concentrate on New Hampshire. Clark's plan back fired and the two Iowa winners John Kerry and John Edwards took the media's attention. His plan to become the serius challenger to the frontrunner Dean slipped away when he barely placed 3rd nstead of 2nd in NH. Instead of immediately quiting he decided to stay for another round of primaries when 8 and many form the south would be held. 2 wins could could of got him back into the race, however he only won the Oklahoma primary. He won the most 2nd place finishes to Kerry and was the serious challenger to Kerry. Clark remained in the race until he lost both Virginia and Tennessee giving Edwards the momentum to challenge Kerry. He droppped out of the race on Feb. 11th leaving Edwards to challenge Kerry. He endorsed Kerry ony a few days later. Clark was mentioned to be Kerry's running mate, however he picked Edwards. Clark campaigned for the ticket even after his loss, however they loss in November. In 2005 he founded WesPAC a political action committee and many felt he would run again in 2008. Clark actively campaigned for Democrats in 2006 and has stated "I never said I won't run." Clark has yet to state whether he will run or not. He garners only 1-4% among party leaders in the race. Clark is expected to announce soon so stay tuned. Next briefing is on Hillary.

Decision 2008: Hillary Clinton finally throws her hat into the ring!

Today on her website, New York U.S. Senator and Fmr. U.S. First Lady Hillary Clinton announced that she will run for president in 2008. She said on her site , "I'm in and I'm in to win! "She siad she will form a presidential exploratory committee soon. Clinton if successful among democrats would become the first woman nominated by either major political party for president and of course if ultimately successful Hillary will would the first female president. She was likely pushed into making a run so early by Obama's entrance into the race. Hillary now has 2 serious challenges for her party's nomination, Barack Obama and John Edwards. Edwards is standing well in ker early contests and Obama is staying strong nationally. About a month ago polls out of Iowa and NH showed Hillary wasn't unbeatable. Obama has the charisma and youth factor which gave her husband the nomination a little over 14 years ago. Edwards has the electability factor because he is a white male and he stands well against now both McCain and Giuliani. Clinton's announcement was anticipated ever since Gore's loss back in 2000, however she chose to prolong a run to bring the Clintons back into the White House until '08 instead of '04. Hillary's team of speacialized dirt diggers that probably got her leected to the senate have already picked up dirt on her main challenger Barack Obama. This may be her way to the nomination if thiis dirt can bring Obama's numbers back down even after his post-announcement boost. I don't see Hillary getting a post-announcement boost, however it did help her to say she will run and not let Obama take the media's stories. Hillary now might have to face her old challenger Former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani like she did in 200o for her senate seat. If Giuliani hadn't come down with cancer then he may of kept her from entering the senate. Now the two are leading contenders for their party's nomination.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Decision 2008: New 2008 Polls

There are alot of new polls and we have them all! Complete 2008 Presidential Polls!

Rasmussen Reports
(D)Hillary Clinton 49%
(R)Mitt Romney 41%

(D)Al Gore 50%
(R)Mitt Romney 39%

(R)John McCain 47%
(D)Barack Obama 39%

(R)Rudolph Giuliani 48%
(D)Barack Obama 39%

(D)Barack Obama 50%
(R)Mike Huckabee 31%

(R)John McCain 48%
(D)Joe Biden 36%

(R)Rudolph Giuliani 54%
(D)Joe Biden 35%

Democratic Preference Poll
(D)Hillary Clinton 22%
(D)Barack Obama 21%
(D)John Edwards 15%
(D)Al Gore 7%
(D)John Kerry 4%
(D)Joe Biden 4%

GOP Preference Poll
(R)Rudolph Giulaini 28%
(R)John McCain 20%
(R)Newt Ginrich 14%
(R)Mitt Romney 8%

Polling Report Polls

(R)John McCain 48%
(D)Hillary Clinton 39%

(R)John McCain 43%
(D)Barack Obama 38%

(R)John McCain 45%
(D)John Edwards 35%

(R)Rudolph Giuliani 48%
(D)Hillary Clinton 40%

(R)Rudolph Giuliani 41%
(D)Barack Obama 38%

(D)John Edwards 41%
(R)Rudolph Giuliani 40%

Who Do you as the Next President Poll?
McCain 19%
Clinton 17%
Edwards 14%
Giuliani 14%
Obama 14%
Romney 3%
Gore 3%

(R)Rudolph Giuliani 53%
(D)Hillary Clinton 43%

(R)John McCain 53%
(D)Hillary Clinton 43%

(R)Rudolph Giulaini 50%
(D)Barack Obama 41%

(R)John McCain 51%
(D)Barack Obama 39%

(R)John McCain 48%
(D)Hillary Clinton 41%

(R)Rudolph Giuliani 48%
(D)Hillary Clinton 43%

(D)Hillary Clinton 48%
(R)Mitt Romney 35%

(R)John McCain 48%
(D)Barack Obama 36%

(R)Rudolph Giuliani 49%
(D)Barack Obama 36%

(D)Barack Obama 43%
(R)Mitt Romney 31%

(R)John McCain 44%
(D)John Edwards 43%

(R)Rudolph Giuliani 47%
(D)John Edwards 42%

(D)John Edwards 53%
(R)Mitt Romney 29%

Gallup Poll

Democratic Preference Polls
(D)Hillary Clinton 29%
(D)Barack Obama 18%
(D)John Edwards 13%
(D)Al Gore 11%
(D)John Kerry 8%
(D)Joe Biden 5%
(D)Bill Richardson 3%
(D)Wesley Clark 2%
(D)Al Sharpton 1%
(D)Chris Dodd 1%
(D)Dennis Kucinich -%
(D)Tom Vilsack -%

(D)Hillary Clinton 53%
(D)Barack Obama 39%

GOP Preference Polls
(R)Rudolph Giuliani 31%
(R)John McCain 27%
(R)Newt Gingrich 10%
(R)Mitt Romney 7%
(R)George Pataki 3%
(R)Tommy Thompson 2%
(R)Jim Gilmore 2%
(R)Sam Brownback 1%
(R)Mike Huckabee 1%
(R)Chuck Hagel 1%
(R)Duncan Hunter 1%

Zogby International Polls
Democratic Preference Polls
(D)Hillary Clinton 29%
(D)Barack Obama 14%
(D)John Edwards 13%
(D)Al Gore 13%
(D)Joe Biden 7%
(D)John Kerry 4%
(D)Joe Lieberman 2%
(D)Bill Richardson 1%
(D)Dennis Kucinish 1%
(D)Wesley Clark 1%

Individual State Caucus and Primary Polls

Zogby International
Iowa Polls
(R)Giuliani 19%
(R)McCain 17%
(R)Gingrich 13%
(R)Rice 9%
(R)Romney 5%
(R)Tancredo 2%
(R)Hagel 2%
(R)Brownback 1%
(R)Huckabee 1%
(R)Thompson 1%
(R)Pataki 1%

(D)Edwards 27%
(D)Obama 17%
(D)Vilsack 16%
(D)Clinton 16%
(D)Biden 3%
(D)Kerry 3%
(D)Kucinich 1%
(D)Richardson 1%

New Hampshire Polls
(R)McCain 26%
(R)Giuliani 20%
(R)Romney 13%
(R)Rice 7%
(R)Gingrich 6%
(R)Hagel 3%
(R)Tancredo 2%
(R)Hunter 1%
(R)Pataki 1%
(R)Paul 1%

(D)Obama 23%
(D)Clinton 19%
(D)Edwards 19%
(D)Kerry 5%
(D)Clark 3%
(D)Biden 3%
(D)Kucinich 1%
(D)Richardson 1%
(D)Vilsack 1%

Strategic Vision
Georgia Polls
(R)Giuliani 27%
(R)McCain 24%
(R)Gingrich 12%
(R)Romney 7%
(R)Huckabee 3%
(R)Brownback 2%
(R)Tancredo 2%
(R)Thompson 2%
(R)Pataki 1%
(R)Hagel 1%
(R)Gilmore 1%
(R)Hunter -%

American Research Group Polls
Dem. Preference MI MO FL PA IL NM CA NC
(D)Clinton 30% 30% 30% 32% 30% 22% 36% 26%
(D)Obama 30% 18% 15% 13% 36% 17% 33% 19%
(D)Edwards 17% 17% 14% 12% 5% 12% 6% 30%
(D)Biden 2% -% 6% 8% 3% 1% 1% 1%
(D)Kerry 1% 2% 3% 2% 2% 1% 4% 1%
(D)Clark 2% 1% 2% 6% 1% 5% 2% 3%
(D)Richardson -% 2% 1% 1% 3% 28% 1% 2%
(D)Vilsack -% 5% 2% 1% 2% 1% -% -%
(D)Kucinich 2% 2% 1% 2% 1% 3% 1% 3%
(D)Dodd 1% -% 1% 2% 2% 1% -% 2%
(D)Gravel -% -% -% 1% -% -% -% -%

(R)Giuliani 34% 18% 30% 35% 33% 38% 33% 34%
(R)McCain 24% 31% 15% 25% 24% 20% 18% 26%
(R)Gingrich 9% 14% 16% 10% 8% 9% 19% 11%
(R)Romney 10% 2% 2% 1% 12% 7% 3% 2%
(R)Hagel -% 3% 2% 4% 3% 6% 5% 2%
(R)Brownback -% 5% 1% 2% 4% 4% -% -%
(R)Huckabee 2% 1% 1% 1% -% -% -% 4%
(R)Thompson 7% 2% -% -% 4% -% -% -%
(R)Pataki -% -% 1% -% -% 1% -% -%
(R)Hunter -% -% -% -% 1% -% 1% -%
(R)Gilmore -% -% -% 1% -% -% -% 1%

Here are all the polls we have received this week

Decision 2008: Presidential Power Rankings Week #8 Rudy vs. Hillary?

Here are this week's presidential power rankings. There are alot of changes this week.


1st: Rudolph Giuliani (rising) Finally back on track and rising in numbers. His issues haven't hurt him yet and may not. Giuliani may pull an upset and actually win the nomination. This is the first time Giuliani has been ranked in the #1 slot. Giuliani is leading in most early states except for IA, NH and SC. which could hurt him if he lases all 3 to McCain.

2nd: John McCain (falling) McCain is falling in key state polls and conservatives are starting to doubt him. His support for the troop increase in Iraq. McCain still is the traditional candidate and if the GOP realizes to win they have to pick Giuliani or McCain they will choose the moderate over the liberal. The GOP hasn't picked a liberal candidate in decades.
Also new Gallup Polls show Giuliani by 4.

3rd: Mitt Romney (rising) Romney is rising in poll numbers in key states and nationwide his good week last week did get him back into this campaign.

4th: Newt Gingrich (falling) Gingrich is continuing to lose steam as Romney regains his 3rd place spot. He will likely won't run since by Sept. the race will likely be just between Giuliani and McCain by then.

5th tied: Sam Brownback (falling) Brownback will soon officially start his campaign in about a week and still is falling. He still barely reamins in the top ten.

5th tied: George Pataki (rising) Pataki isn't going well in early states, but is rising in national polls.

5th tied: Chuck Hagel (rising) Doing very well for a minor candidate in early states and had finally earned a top 5 spot. Questions are still aksed whether he will actually run or not.


1st: Hillary Clinton (falling) still holding on to the top spot with good numbers nationwide and in NH, however this early challenge from both her major opponents John Edwards and Barack Obama could hurt her in early contests. Clinton still though has the fundraising talents and her team who are already digging up dirt on Obama.

2nd: Barack Obama (rising) His announcement this week is helping his numbers rise everywhere. in national polls he is within striking distance of Clinton and in IA, NH, and other early contests he beats her or comes in a clsoe second. Obama does have an actual chance now.

3rd: John Edwards (rising) Edwards now has a 10 point lead in Iowa with a year to go until the primary. This is expected since he has practically lived there since 11/2/04. Edwards has finally passed Gore in polls who has just pretty much slammed the door shut on 2008.

4th: Wesley Clark (risining) Clark performs very well in key early states and is gaining nationally. I wouldn't be surprised if he became a serious contender.

5th: Joseph Biden (steady) Doing well everywhere except key states. he nneeds to start working on the "first in the nation."

Thanks for tuning in this week tommorrow we wil have a candidate briefing and next week our ranknings will include every major party candidates, becuase it is the end of the month.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Decision 2008: Barack Obama runs for president! Tancredo files as well.

Well as I'm sure you already know Illionis U.S. Senator and a Democratic pres. frontrunner, Barack Obama filed with the FEC to form a presidential exploratory committee. Obama will officially announce his campaign in about a month from Springfield, Illionis. Obama, a serious challenger to Hillary Clinton's run might force her to start her campaign soonner than she had hoped. Obama currently stands in a tie for the lead in Iowa and a close 2nd in New Hampshire. He is in a distant 3rd in South Carolina and in a distant 2nd in Nevada. Many expect a boost in his numbers upon his announcement and this boost could get him in striking distance of the top spot holder Hillary Clinton. We currently rank Obama in the #2 spot. Also this week Colorado U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo filed for an exploratory committee. He is a minor candidate now because of remarkes made about a month ago, but could be a dark horse. New polls are out of Iowa and Georgia showing a good numbers for Edwards, and a tie between Giuliani and McCain, with a slight 2-3 point lead for Giuliani.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Brief Political Post

Sorry I'm busy today so no candidate briefing. Illionis U.S. Senator Barack Obama finally officially filed paperwork to form a presidential exploratory committee. He will officially start his presidential run next Month in Springfield Illionis. This might force Hillary to jump in soon! U.S. Congressman from Colorado Tom Tancredo sad no to a senate run and yes to a presidential run today. He has decided not to fun for Colorado's opening U.S. Seate seat and will file paperwork to form a presidential exploratory committee tommorrow. Other news Fmr. Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating decided today not to seek the presidency in 2008. Thats it for today. I might be able to post a better Obama story and a candidate briefing tommorrow. Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Decision 2008: Sam Brownback

Before we get to today's candidate briefing we wanted to state that Fmr. Libertarian Presidential Nominee and Texas U.S. Congressman Ron Paul has formed a presidential exploratory committee this time to run as a Republican. He will be a minor candidate and shouldn't go anywhere. Can anyone say also ran.

Now on to today's candidate, Kansas U.S. Senator Sam Brownback. Brownback has formed an exploratory committee to make a run for the presidency in 2008 and has stated he will announce be the end of the month. Brownback is in our top 5 presidential rankings, but barely. Samuel D. Brownback was born September 12, 1956 in Garnett, Kansas. During his High School years he became state president of the Future Farmers of America and he moved on to become National vice president. At Kansas State University he was elected Student Body President. He recieved a J.D. from the University of Kansas. Brownback began his career as a teacher. He then became a broadcaster and even an attorney. He began his political career as Kansas Secretary of Agriculture in 1986. He then was moved to work for the U.S. Trade Representatuve. After a year working at the White House, Brownback decided to return to his post as Secretary of Agriculture in Kansas. In 1993 he resigned and prepared for a run for the U.S. House. In 1994 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He didn't even finish his term in the house before he ran in a Special election to fufill Senator Bob Dole's term in office when he was running for president. He defeated Lt Governor Shelia Frahm in the primary and moved on to easily win the general and was officially made a U.S. Senator. Brownback won a full term in his own right in 1998 and in 2004 he won reelection with 69%. Brownback has announced he will not run again in 2010 for a 3rd term, becuase of his beleifs of term limits for members of congress, so this presidential run will likely be his last campaign. Brownback has never served as chariman or ranking member of a major senate committee. he currently serves on the Judiciary committee and the Senate Appropriations committee. Sen. Brownback has become the leading senator against the homosexual agenda including same sex marriage. He also defines himself as a Social conservative which has evolved from a moderate when he first ran for office. Like I said earlier this will be Brownback's last campaign and he is coming into it with about a 2-4% average in polls and a 1% average in key states like a do or die state for him Iowa. If he loses Iowa he will not win anywhere except for a possible win in Kansas if he stays in that long.

Tune in Tommorrow or the next day for tommorrow's candidate briefing on Wesley Clark.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Decision 2008: Joseph Biden

We are going to start a new briefing here at Politics-Central along with 2008 and 2007 election news with power rankings at the end of every week we will give you a brief description and biography about potential and announced Presidential Candidates. We shall go by ABC's and today we start with Delaware U.S. Senator and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden.

Sen. Biden isn't too well-known, but is one of the most experienced and longest serving senators on Capitol Hill. This will be Biden's 2nd presidential campaign, and probably his last. Joseph R. Biden Jr. was born on Nov. 20th, 1942, in Scranton Pennsylvania. Biden grew up in a average middle class family. His father, Joe Sr. managed a car dealership. Biden began his education at a catholic school at Archmere Academy, where he played baseball and football. Biden attended the University of Delaware after his High School graduation. He recieved a Bachelors degree of Arts of History and Political Science in 1965. In 1968 He earned a Juris Doctorate from Syracuse University Law School. Wasting no time at all Biden ran for public office, after practicing law. He was elected to the New Castle County Council. Biden soon became quite popular in the state. In 1972 he decided to make a run for a seat in the U.S. Senate. He campaigned against highly favored GOP incumbant Caleb Baggs. Biden's main campaign tool was his oppositon to the War in Vietnam. His strategy worked and it won him an upset victory over Baggs. Sen. Biden became one of the youngest senators in congress at age 30. Biden has easily won reelection since. He usually averages about 60% in each election. Senator Biden served on the Senate Judiciary committee where he served as Chariman and Ranking member. The Senator devoted his time on thsi committee to cracking down on crime, sponsoring several crime legislations. He soon moved to the Senate Foriegn Relations committee where he became ranking member in 1997. He sevred as Chariman from 2001-03. On this commitee he tried influencing the president to get rid of hostilities in the Balkans. The Senator has also worked to end hostilities in the middle east and is known to sometime side with the GOPs to get his bills passed. Look for him not to do this with the Democrats in control. Senator Biden's first run for the white house in 1988 ended badly for Biden. He was caught plagarizing a speech by a Labour party leader. Biden withdrew his candidacy in shame before any presidential contest. In 2004 Biden was considered a potential candidate for president and his advisors stated he was considering running, but he felt it was too late and he couldn't earn enough money to actually win. When he learned '04 nominee John Kerry was considering him as his running mate, Biden stated he should pick Arizona U.S. Senator John McCain, a potential '08 GOP challenger to Biden. Kerry chose John Edwards as his VP and not Biden or McCain. Immediately after the 2004 elections Biden had been mentioned as a possible 2008 presidential candidate and in early 2006 Sen. Biden announced he intened to run for president in 2008. In Jan. of 2007 on NBC's Meet the Press" Biden announced he would soon make it official. Sen. Biden has made it in our Top 5 presidential candidates, however has very poor numbers. We shall soon see if Biden actually has a shot at the White House or if it will be a repeat of '88.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Decision 2008: Presidential Power Rankings

Here are this week's presidential power rankings. To View other power rankings go to http://www.politicalderby.com/powerrankings, http://cgpolitics.blogspot.com/, http://thenextprez.blogspot.com/

1st: John McCain (steady) The Senators popularity has grown recently in polls and on online rankings. However this might not last because of his strong support of the President's increasing in troops in Iraq. Also for the first time in months"The Next Prez" ranked McCain on top in their rankings

2nd: Rudy Giuliani (falling) Giuliani's surge has ended and is starting to lag in support since his leak of documents a week ago. Really it use to be Giuliani's to lose with his strong lead over McCain, but now they are tied.

3rd: Mitt Romney (rising) With the huge fundraising boost and DeMint's endorsement Romney had the start he needed to get back into this race. If some polls show is gaining is working he could actually have a shot again.

4th: Newt Gingrich (steady) Gingrich is doign well in polls, but hsi lack in campaigning has hurt him a little. Gingrich needs to announce sooner than Sept.

5th: Sam Brownback (falling) Brownback is lagging in support with Romney's boost. He still holds on to his Top 5 spot, but barely.


1st: Hillary Clinton (falling) still holding on to the top spot, but has yet to really say much about Obama's real challenge to her potential presidenital run.

2nd: Barack Obama (rising) Obama has been rising ever since that one polls showed him tied for the lead in Iowa. According to the last Gallup poll he moved up nationwide and now is in striking distance again of Clinton

3rd: John Edwards (steady) Hasn't recieved any boosts throughout the campaign. Edwards hasn't recieved too much support and many don't know he is even a candidate. Can he become a leader or will he be an also-ran.

4th: Joe Biden (steady) Biden is slowly gaining support online and around the country about the buzz that he will run for president.

5th Tied: Wesley Clark (steady) Clark hasn't said too much about the campaign, but he has overwhelming support online. He could make something out of this campaign.

5th Tied: John Kerry (steady) Kerry is averaging about 7% in polls so he barely holds on to a top 5 spot.

Decision 2008: Candidate Field as of now.

Here is another look at the candidates who are in the exploratory phase or have declared their candidacy.

Announced Candidates (Note: some haven't officially announced or filed with the FEC, but have stated they will run.
(D)Fmr. U.S. Sen. John Edwards (D-N. Carolina)
(D)Fmr. Governor Tom Vilsack (D-Iowa)
(D)Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)
(D)U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Connecticut)
(D)U.S. Sen. Joe Biden (D-Delaware)
(D)Governor Bill Richardson (D-New Mexico)
(D)Fmr. U.S. Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska)

Potential Candidates
(D)Wesley Clark (D-Arkansas)
(D)U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-New York)
(D)U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Massachusetts)
(D)U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illionis)
(D)Rev. Al Sharpton (D-New York)

Still possible but not likely
(D)Fmr. Vice President Al Gore (D-Tennessee)
(D)Fmr. Governor Mark Warner (D-Virginia)


Announced Candidates (Note: look at other party's announced)
(R)U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas)

Exploratory Committee Candidates
(R)Fmr. Governor Jim Gilmore (R-Virginia)
(R)Fmr. NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-New York)
(R)Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-California)
(R)U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona)
(R)Rep. Ron Paul(R-Texas)
(R)Fmr. Governor Mitt Romney (R-Massachusetts)
(R)Fmr. Governor Tommy Thompson (R-Wisconsin)

Potential Candidates
(R)Fmr. U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Georgia)
(R)U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska)
(R)Fmr. Governor Mike Huckabee (R-Arkansas)
(R)Fmr. Governor Frank Keating (R-Oklahoma)
(R)Fmr. Governor George Pataki (R-New York)
(R)Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Decision 2008: Dodd Joins field and Sharpton considers.

Today Connecticut U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd officially filed with the FEC to officially fun for president of the United States as a Democrat. He decided to skip the exploratory phase and get right into the race. Dodd mentioned in early 2006 that he would do anything possible to prepare for a presidential bid abd everyone assumed he was in the race. He later revised that and said he was still considering a run. Dodd ranks dead last in polls and should be a minor candidate. Fmr. Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore also filed with the FEC, but he started his exploratory committee. Civil Rights Activist and 2004 Presidential candidate, Rev. Al Sharpton this week stated he was seriously considering running again for president in 2008. He recieved a poor 1-4% rating in the primaries and was a minor candidate in 2004. He will likely be one again in 2008 if he runs. Soon to be Presidential Hopeful and Outgoing Mass. Governor Mitt Romney finally got he week he needed to actually get beck into this race and the week actually happened to be his first campaign week. Romney had recently endured a large slip in polls and slipped to 4th in our rankings among republicans. Romney raised $6 million this week which is twice as much as what frontrunners Giuliani and McCain raised combined. Romney also recieved a key endorsement from South Carolina U.S. Senator Jim DeMint. Soiht Carolina is a key state this time around and could help Romney. Romney was also viewed most presidential of any of the candidates by anaylists. Look for Romney to move up in our rankings.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Decision 2008: New Poll shows Giuliani still on top and Biden announces.

Delaware U.S. Senator and Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joe Biden once again stated he will make a bid for the presidency next year on NBC's Meet the Press and stated he will file papers to form an exploratory committee soon. Still no word yet on Senators and Democratic frontrunners Clinton and Obama's decisions and plans about 2008. Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel will make his decision about 2008 soon whether he will run for president, run for reelection, or just retire altogehter from politics.

In a new poll from Rasmussen, Former New York City Mayor and GOP frontrunner Rudy Giuliani holding a narrow edge over NY senator Hillary Clinton and fmr. Vice President Al Gore. These new polls bring hope back to the GOP about retaining the white house after other polls started showing democrats taking the lead. After the loss of 2006 the GOP will work desperately to try to regain congress which is unlikely or retain the white house. Since the campaign's start way back in December 2004, polls showed McCain another GOP frontrunner ahead of dems by 8+ points, but now numbers have evened. Giuliani wasn't conseidered a possible candidate until late 2005.

New Rasmussen Reports Polls
(R)Rudy Giuliani 47%
(D)Hillary Clinton 43%

(R)Rudy Giuliani 46%
(D)Al Gore 43%

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Decision 2008: Presidential Power Rankings

Here are our Presidential power rankings for the week. We also want to note note that this is our 150th post since our start last July.

1st: John McCain (rising) Senator McCain is rising in numbers against democrats and is out of his recent slump. Also according to new gallup polls McCain is tied with Giuliani in GOP nationwide preference polls and has tied with Giuliani in key state polls. McCain is also doing well in early fundraising.

2nd Rudy Giuliani (steady) Giuliani is in trouble with the slip of his campaign plans into the press. It wasn't tooo damaging, but any thoughts about him not runnign are gone. Giuliani has started to fall just by 2-4% in polls.

3rd: Newt Gingrich (steady) Gingrich is still performing well in numbers nationwide and really well in key states and is within striking distance, but by the time he decides whether to run or not the nomintaion could be locked up and he has said he won't run if it is locked up.

4th: Mitt Romney (steady may rise soon) Romney has just started his campaigningand could recieve the bounce he needs to get back into this campaign.

5th: Sam Brownback (steady) Brownback still is recieving poor media coverage and hasn't made a name for himself. He needs a win or a close 2nd place finish in Iowa to even go anywhere and that will take a miracle.

1st: Hillary Clinton (falling) The frontrunner has begun her decent and that could cost her the race. If Obama jumps in this month that will cause her to jump in earlier than she wanted. Clinton better hope for some early wins in IA, NH, and SC. These past few weeks have shown she isn't unbeatable.

2nd: Barack Obama (steady) The first serious black presidential candidate is performing well in IA and NH. He also could win in SC. He does need a win in one of these states and he better hope for a win in NH to knock Hillary out of the frontrunner slot if he hasn't dont it already.

3rd: John Edwards (steady) Leader or also ran. That is the question many people are asking about Edwards. His numbers are staying about the same and hsi plan to get a little early campaigning in before Hillary and Obama, doesn't seem to be working. Edwards needs a win in IA and SC. He could survive losing IA, but he absolutely needs SC.

4th: Joe Biden (steady) Biden will run, but hasn't done too much campaigning and really needs to do some work, but has moved up a few slots. I feel Kerry is falling, but his numbers show him in this slot.

5th: Wesley Clark (steady) Clark is strengthing in early states and could have something to say soon!

No new polls.

Decision 2008: Romney enters Obama, Clinton and others to make decisions!

As I said about a month ago Outgoing Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has filed papers to form an exploratory committee for a presidential run in 2008. Winner of our Greatest Governor Poll, Romney currently stands 4th in our rankings and could swing conservative voters over his way. Kansas U.S. Senator Sam Brownback will officially announce his candidacy for the Republican Presidential Nomination in his homestate and the end of the month. He will be the first major republican candidate to officially start his campaign. Illionis U.S. Senator Barack Obama was rumored to make his decision about 2008 this week, but it is now known he will decide by the end of the month of January. New York U.S. senator and Democratic Frontrunner Hillary Clinton is also expected to announce her camapign by the end of the month. Look for several others like Hagel, Richardson, Gilmore, Hunter, Huckabee, Clark, Dodd, and Kerry will decide in the next month or two.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Sorry about the long break!

I Have been awfully busy with work and couldn't post all this week or post the new polls. My co-writers should post those polls and get this weeks' news to you. Also I will publish this weeks power rankings.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007!

We at Politics-Central want to wish everyone a happy new year and hope you had a great chirstmas! No political updates today, and tommorrow we will unleash our 14 new 2008 polls to the internet.